I would like to share with you what God is doing in a church located in Africa where I traveled to train local missionaries. Located 400 meters away from a Mosque, this church was established from a group of twelve households. When these few folks began to build a church, the surrounding Muslim communities rose against the initiative, bombing the church building and burning down seven houses belonging to local believers. The situation has been horrific, but the believers stood firm and continued sharing their faith to Muslims and the people of other faiths.
The attacks happened years ago, when I was still a Muslim. At the time, I applauded the Muslims and prayed to Allah to curse the believers and to give victory to Muslims. However, in the same year, God encountered me through a dream, which eventually led me to follow Christ after three years of searching for the truth.
In the last 28 years, the number of active members of this church grew to over one thousand and about 98 Muslims who were attending the mosque near to the church decided to follow Christ. The church also planted 27 daughter churches in that region, and the gospel has spread rapidly.
Indeed, victory belongs to God! No one can stop the work of God!
God has given me opportunities to be involved in the work of this church and I have traveled there four times in the last eleven years to train local workers. In my most recent visit about 64 workers came to a training centre and spent three days learning about evangelism and church planting. We had a fruitful time of learning, fellowship and sharing ministry experiences (challenges and opportunities) with the whole group. It has been a time that the workers were so encouraged and renewed in their commitment to serve the Lord.
During the training I was hosted by a family whose heads of the household (the dad and mum) were Muslims and their five sons and two daughters were believers from Muslim background. However, they live together in harmony. We had a communal meal every evening and religious conversation with the whole family. I really enjoyed the fellowship and the time of sharing the gospel with them. The mum showed interest in following Christ, but she is afraid of social pressure from her husband and the Muslim community. Please, remember this family in your prayers.