Shirine’s stepfather has had Jesus come to him in dreams a number of times, but he still does not know that his name is ‘Jesus.’ Because he is a violent man, due to electrodes put on his head by insurgents many years ago, his family are afraid to tell him the name of the man in his dream. They keep fasting and praying for him.
Shirine’s mother, Roshan, is a strong woman of prayer and Jesus gives her a dream once or twice a week. Roshan’s father had a dream which led to both of her parents believing in Jesus shortly before her mother went to be with Jesus permanently. In her father’s dream he saw his daughter crying. Her father told her that the man in white in his dream told her to not cry and that He would take care of her.
Roshan told her father that the man’s name was Jesus.
Her father had previously been eagerly receiving the “Holy Narratives.” It is generally not recommended to tell these stories by phone, but in this case, her parents were so far away, so eager, and so old and unwell, that there was a timing urgency. Sure enough, after the telling of the Birth, and a week later, during the telling of the Baptism, Roshan’s mother had a turn and died soon after. Shirine has never doubted that her grandmother is now with Jesus, because it is she who was telling the stories and her eager grandfather had the mobile on loudspeaker.
But Roshan cried and doubted. So, the Father gave her a dream within a week. She saw her mother sitting in a lush green field surrounded by gorgeous flowers. Her mother said to her, “Go back to your family! I’m happy here!”
We knew that Roshan could have believed without the dream, but were happy to hear about her dream as an encouragement to all of us. And how precious that the Father went the extra mile by giving sight to her faith.