Mother’s Day
As we celebrate the mothers in our community, we want to support and encourage mums and all parents as they seek to spiritually protect our children. In 2 Kings we read of a widow whose husband passed away, leaving her with two sons and a large debt. She cried out to Elisha, but ultimately her appeal was to God, to spare her sons from being taken into slavery. She sets an example for us all as a lioness and warrior who watches and stands by the next generation, protecting them from spiritual slavery in the world. As the widow listened to Elisha’s instructions, we too are called to tune our ears to God, and be willing to offer our time to Him. The Lord knows the effort we put in, and He can replenish us with His love.
Read: 2 Kings 4:1-7
- The Prophet Elisha asked the widow, “How can I help you?” Can you share a time when you received help from someone? How did you feel? Why can it be difficult to ask others for help?
- The woman saw that she had nothing in her house except a jar of olive oil. God used what she had and multiplied it. What can we learn from this? What can you offer to God for Him to take and multiply?
- Elisha didn’t focus upon the resource, but on the capacity (of God). How might this apply to you?
- Read 1 Peter 5:8-9. Pastor Heather reminds us to be like a lioness or warrior in a spiritual sense. How can we be watchful and alert to spiritually protect the next generation and those around us? What challenges do our children (or the next generation) face right now?
- Read 1 Kings 4:3-5. The woman followed and obeyed Elisha’s words. How do you struggle in following God’s lead? What can prevent us from doing what God asks of us?
- Through the widow’s obedience to God, she witnessed a miracle in the multiplication of oil. Have you ever seen God work miraculously in a time of obedience?
God knows us completely and He cares about our needs. We all have an opportunity to stand up as spiritual warriors and to protect the vulnerable people around us. We can all practice being intentional and tune our ears to the Holy Spirit’s voice, seeking to bring blessings to those around us. What is one step you can take this week to stand up for others spiritually or practically? Make a commitment to do so this week.
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