Lasting Impact

Part One      Part Two      Part Three      Part Four

Part 1

God’s commitment to us is such that He continually invites and pursues us to step into His greater purposes for our lives. We can wrestle with self-doubt, self-centredness and even being overwhelmed with the challenges of life – but the Lord’s constant call is to look, listen, trust and obey.

Engage with God’s Word

Consider [bible]Jonah 1:1-5[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.


  1. Have you experienced the feeling of being pursued by our loving Father?
    What is your picture/view of God? Does His constant presence fill you with gratitude or cause you concern? ([bible]Psalms 139:7-10[/bible])
  2. Jonah chose to run from God’s commission. Have you chosen to run from God’s prompting to do something that you did not want to do?
  3. What shapes your view of God? What has most influenced that view? Does that view align with the overall biblical description of God? If not why not?
  4. Have you experienced the reality of discovering that you are off course and recommitting yourself to God and His will and ways?
  5. Do you know the reality of a vibrant relationship with God or are you in danger of a supposed relationship? ([bible]Luke 6:46[/bible])
  6. God’s plan and will for you is good, pleasing and perfect; this is not a guarantee of an easy life but of a fulfilling life being used by God. Discuss. ([bible]Romans 12:2b[/bible])


Read [bible]Jeremiah 29:11-13[/bible] together. Ask each other: Is there a key space in our lives right now where we acknowledge the need to invite God’s direction? What are the challenges to move forward here? Pray for each other and check back again next time.

Part 2

Jonah had three long days in the belly of a fish to wrestle and consider the reality of running from God and His purposes. Though dark waters had closed over Jonah, God heard his prayer of surrender and thankfulness. God brought him up from the deep, restoring life and purpose. Thank you Father that through Jesus you are more than able to do the same today.

Engage with God’s Word

Consider [bible]Jonah 1[/bible] & [bible]Jonah 2:1-9[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.


  1. God commissioned Jonah out of concern for the people of Nineveh. Today God’s compassion extends through you to your network and family. What has God commissioned you to do?
  2. When Jonah ignored God, he found his life ebbing away. What everyday entanglements keep you from God’s best?
  3. What motivates you to surrender fully to God and His kingdom purposes? Think through [bible]Hebrews 12:1-2[/bible].
  4. Compare Jonah’s prayer with Job’s prayer in [bible]Job 1:20-22[/bible]. Both men experienced disaster. How can life’s curveballs lead us to better know and honour God?
  5. Read [bible]Hebrews 4:16[/bible]. Confidence in our Father’s goodness and Jesus’ authority changes our prayers. What yet-to-be-realised truths do you need to acknowledge before God?
  6. Is there anything in your life right now that you are displacing responsibility for?
  7. Why do we often need to be in desperate situations before we pray our most sincere and surrendered prayers?


Your liberation comes at your point of surrender. Is there an area in your life that you need to release your grip on and surrender to God?

Part 3

What a beautiful picture of our good, good Father God – to know that He sighs over His children for various reasons.

Engage with God’s Word

Consider [bible]Jonah 3[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.


  1. What are some things that cause God to sigh? ([bible]Genesis 6:6[/bible]; [bible]1 Samuel 15:11[/bible]; [bible]Genesis 24:67[/bible]) Discuss.
  2. Do you know God to be the God of the second and third and fourth chance?
  3. Do you have repentance as firmly grounded, like breathing, in your regular daily habits? ([bible]1 John 1:8[/bible], [bible]1 John 1:9[/bible])
  4. The miracle of repentance in Ninevah impacted a generation. Is there an area where God needs you to bring His grace and challenge?
  5. God pours out His grace on us – His undeserved favour. How have you experienced God’s grace today? Discuss.


The passing of time does not bring about spiritual maturity but surrender and obedience do. Is there an area that you need to surrender to God this week and enjoy His restored presence and peace?
Pray for each other as you surrender yourselves to Him afresh.

Part 4

In the face of every challenge, battle or disappointment, we rediscover God is with us. He is for us. He is always on our side. Even in the midst of frustration, disappointment, or what we see as injustice, we can discover that He is faithful and trustworthy.

Engage with God’s Word

Consider [bible]Jonah 3:10[/bible] & [bible]Jonah 4:5[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.


  1. Have you ever been disappointed with God when things haven’t worked out the way you imagined? Discuss.
  2. Read [bible]Jonah 4:1[/bible]. What is surprising about Jonah’s reaction to God’s grace towards Ninevah?
  3. God has a much bigger picture of life than we have. It is an eternal perspective. Discuss.
  4. You cannot “out-sin” God’s grace but you can reject Him. Discuss.
  5. Read [bible]Luke 15:28-30[/bible]. How easy it is to be a critic when you are a spectator. Discuss.
  6. What practical steps can you take to step deeper into God’s activity in your life?


Your liberation comes at your point of surrender. Is there an area in your life that you need to release your grip on and surrender to God?

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