Crossway Women’s Care is here to help you connect in meaningful ways with God and other women, equip you to grow deeper in your faith, and empower you to live out God’s purpose for your life.
Through care and prayer, we can grow together in understanding and sharing Christ’s love with our local communities and beyond.
Women’s Bible Study
‘Know Your Bible’ (KYB) groups meet at our Burwood East campus on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during school term times. All ladies are welcome.
KYB uses a question and answer learning method, reinforced by group discussion, summaries and review notes each session.
For more details, please email
Women Connect
Women Connect supports women on an individual basis through active listening, encouragement, sharing and prayer, for growth and discipleship.
Woman to Woman Course
Every woman carries with her the strengths and weaknesses of her background. She carries the legacy of her past into all of her relationships – family, business and church. This ten session course helps participants learn to free themselves from the past and focus on the future. It provides strategies and skills needed to make positive and lasting changes in relationships.
The course cost covers a manual and supper.
Please contact the Crossway Care Pastor if financial assistance is required.