
Bereavement is the experience of losing someone important to us. This process involves grief and a range of emotions while we gradually adjust to the loss.

If you have lost a partner, family member or friend, the Bereavement Care team are there to comfort and encourage you through the Bereavement support group, GriefShare course, prayer, and pastoral care. We also hold an annual Remembrance Service to remember our loved ones.

Bereavement Support Group

This informal but intentional group provides an opportunity to connect with others who have also lost a loved one and are learning to rebuild their lives.

Members of our Bereavement Care Team are there to facilitate friendship and encouragement in a supportive environment. We meet over coffee and cake on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 10am to noon in the Crossway Cafe.

There is no registration process, just drop in. If you would like to know more, please call 9866 3700 or email

GriefShare Course

Find healing and hope in walking out the grief journey

GriefShare is open to anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. The course offers valuable guidance towards relief, comfort and peace of mind. Many have found hope and healing through this course. 

GriefShare sessions are conducted in a small group setting where participants can reflect and interact with others in a safe, caring and confidential environment. 

Each session includes a video presentation featuring respected experts on grief-related topics and helpful stories from people who have experienced loss. Their insights will help you manage your emotions, gain clarity, and find answers to your questions as you walk through the grief process.

To find out more or register, please click the GriefShare event link below. 

Course cost is kept minimal and covers a manual and supper, please contact the Crossway Care Pastor if financial assistance is required.