Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part 1
Moses died when he had fulfilled God’s purposes for his life. He did not die of old age. He stepped up into new terrain in obedience to God’s Word. We all have terrain to take. We all have a call to “step it up” for God.
Engage with God’s Word
Consider [bible]Joshua 1:1-5[/bible].
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- Have you experienced a time when you had to step up in a situation. Discuss.
- God said to Joshua, “The time has come for you to lead this people.” What was the circumstance? What was involved? How do you think Joshua felt?
- How do you personally feel when you sense God’s prompt?
- How do you deal with the voices that say, “You are not good enough” or “Who do you think you are?”
- God promises us provision, (Romans 5:17) presence (Hebrews 13:5) and prosperity (3 John 1:2). Discuss.
- How do you define failure? Discuss.
Take time to talk through what key opportunities you have in your life – relationships, family, work, school, community. Where could you “step up”? What gifts, skills and passions do you have that can help you see where the Lord is inviting you to take that step? Pray for each other for the courage and faith to make the most of the opportunities that come your way.
Part 2
Joshua and the Israelites move on confidently from God’s stunning victory at Jericho. But now there is bitter defeat at the hands of the few inhabitants of Ai. Joshua cries, “Sovereign God, why?! What about your name?” The weakness within is exposed. Father, it’s your kindness that leads us to repentance. Forgive us, lead us from temptation and deliver us.
Engage with God’s Word
Consider [bible]Joshua 7:1-5[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.
- With a disastrous turn for the worse, Joshua prays. Look at Joshua 7:6-9. What are the chief characteristics and concerns of his prayer? Which of these are evident in your prayers?
- Read Joshua 7:11 again. What actions and affections angered God?
- How urgently do you act when God corrects?
- Compare Achan’s confession in Joshua 7:21 with Eve’s downfall in Genesis 3:6. How does this deadly pattern most affect you?
- What does Proverbs 28:13 say about the way God our Father deals with you as His child?
- Read Psalm 32:8-9. God wants loving obedience not religious obligation. How well do you hear Him and respond?
- There is healing and power when confession is engrained in our prayers and in our church culture – see James 5:16. How does your life group foster this culture?
Take some time to share the Lord’s Supper together. Have different people lead through the taking of the bread and the wine. This is an important moment for self-examination, confession and repentance. Embrace the Lord’s offer of complete forgiveness. Rest in the power of His love.
Part 3
News of the Israelite wins at Jericho and Ai reached kings along the Mediterranean coast. They assembled for war. However the Gibeonites shrewdly sought a treaty with Joshua. The Israelites didn’t ask God about the deal and ended up with an unhappy alliance. The account warns us against self-assured complacency. It coaxes us to fervently seek God’s voice.
Engage with God’s Word
Consider [bible]Joshua 9:3-6[/bible] and [bible]Joshua 9:14-15[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.
- What attitudes impede your requests to God?
- Read John 15:5. How does your utter dependence on Jesus shape your daily conversation with Him?
- What cultural influences affect the way you hear and respond to God?
- Read Isaiah 55:9. How do your prayers acknowledge that God’s ways are infinitely better than yours?
- “The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom”. Discuss.
- Read 1 Corinthians 1:30. Then describe what God’s wisdom in Jesus means to you.
- In Revelation 3:19-20, Jesus invites us to mature from lazy self-sufficiency to vibrant dependency on Him. What is your next step to respond to His Spirit?
Take time together to talk about what areas in life you need to hear God’s voice right now. Ask for insights, prophetic words or pictures that you can have for each other. Maybe you need to ask Him for a breakthrough in hearing Him. Then pray for each other that the Lord will speak.
Part 4
In our modern world, where the surrounding culture demands quick fixes and instant gratification, the value of perseverance can be dismissed in favour of the fast option. Yet all through the Bible we see men and women who were willing to push through challenging and difficult circumstances, with the knowledge that God was with them every step of their journey as they persevered to finish the race.
Engage with God’s Word
Consider [bible]Joshua 14:1-14[/bible].
Find out more about Discovery Bible Study.
- Caleb waited 45 years to see the promise of God fulfilled as he was finally given the Promised Land. What have you waited a long time for?
- What helps us stay on track in times of waiting? What is so hard about perseverance? What can make it easier?
- Read Hebrews 12:1-3. In what areas do we need to run with perseverance in our faith? What does it mean in a practical sense to ‘”keep our eyes on Jesus”?
- Read Joshua 12:13-14. On six occasions the Bible describes Caleb as having “a wholehearted commitment to God.” How do you see this in Caleb? What might “wholehearted commitment” look like in our lives today?
- Caleb and Joshua were seen as being very courageous. What does courage look like to you? What is it not?
Our decisions today determine our destiny tomorrow. We can all leave a legacy for others to follow. If you could name one thing you would love to be remembered for, what would it be? What do you need to put in place today to make this a reality? Share this and pray for each other.