Plugged In – Holy Spirit Power
Jesus became every bit like us so we may become every bit like Him. Jesus was so in synch with the Father that He was able to tell His disciples, “if you know me, then you know the Father” (John 14:7). In the same way, we are called to become more like Jesus. As His followers, we understand that this begins with the redemptive work of Christ and our salvation through repentance and the forgiveness of our sins. This is only possible through the Holy Spirit revealing Christ to us, opening our spiritual eyes and heart to Him and making it possible for us to believe. We can be confident the Holy Spirit will progressively reveal more and more of Christ to us as we remain plugged in to God’s gift of the Holy Spirit (Phil 1:6). . In John 16:7, Jesus says it is to our advantage that He goes, so that He can send the Holy Spirit (Helper, Advocate, Comforter). . Why is this an advantage for us? Why then is reliance on the Holy Spirit often the first thing to slip away in the busyness of life?Read John 14:15-18, John 14:25-27, John 16:5-15
- Describing life without the Holy Spirit’s leading, Pastor Mark used the analogy of being in the bush on a moonless night without a torch. Explore this idea: List what is likely to happen to the bushwalker if they keep going without a torch. What are the possible effects on the bushwalker’s body, mind and spirit? In contrast, list some of the differences a torch would make. Share how this is similar to being Holy Spirit led.
- How do these passages tie in with Jesus’ teaching, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6)?
- How can each of us, in our walk today, be confident that we are being guided into all truth?
- In today’s Western culture, anything that makes a person feel uncomfortable is viewed unfavourably and even considered to be a bad thing. In contrast, the Holy Spirit comes to convict the world of sin (the word used here can also mean: reprove, rebuke, convince, declare a fault). Why is conviction a good thing, and how should it be embraced?
- How are truth and conviction through the leading of the Holy Spirit consistent with peace?
- The peace from God, which the Holy Spirit leads us into, is capable of transcending the circumstances of life. How? What steps can we take when we are feeling anxious (Romans 8:15-17)?
We are body, soul and spirit. God created us to be predominately spiritual, for God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. However, the inclination of man is to drift away from godliness and give in to the desires of the flesh (body). We need a regular daily diet of spiritual food, including meditating on God’s Word, declaring the promises of God over our lives, prayer and dialogue with our heavenly Father, and deciding daily to live as joint heirs with Christ. In this way, our fears and anxiety will be displaced by the tangible truth of God’s love over us and for us. What is one step you can take this week to put into practice being led by the Spirit?
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The Apostle Paul describes the battle between the flesh and the spirit — a common experience of Christians. We want to do what is right, yet we struggle to do the right thing to grow more in the image of God. The Scriptures provide insight and a pathway for us to “walk more in the Spirit and not fulfil the desires of the flesh.”Read Romans 7:15-18, Romans 8:1-17
Complete the following:
Although I want to do ______ [describe something positive you want to do], that I do not practice, but I end up doing ______ [describe something opposite that you do instead]. For the [positive activity] that I will to do, I do not do; but the [negative activity] l will not to do, that I practice.
- We all experience the struggle of not living up to the good intentions and resolutions we set ourselves. Why do you think we so easily fail to practice better spiritual choices? Share this without judgement or condemnation.
- Read Galatians 2:20. Despite the fact that our flesh is meant to be crucified with Christ, why does the flesh seems to be very much alive and “at war” with the spirit?
- Read Romans 8:2 again. What does this verse mean to you in relation to the struggle between our flesh and spirit? How does the redemptive work of Jesus Christ free us from “the law of sin and death”?
- Read Ezekiel 11:19-20 and Jeremiah 33:31-34. How is the motivation of a Christian different in the new covenant compared to the old covenant?
- “Don’t ‘manage’ the flesh, kill it.” This means that we should deal ruthlessly with sinful habits and carnality in our lives. How can one ‘kill’ the carnal nature? Consider the following: fasting, accountability, confession, repentance, etc.
- Read Galatians 5:16. Apart from prayer and reading the Word of God, how can we “feed the Spirit”?
- Note the context of Romans 8 regarding the role of the Spirit of God and the love of God. According to this passage, what are some powerful motivators for personal change and transformation?
- Read Ephesians 2:10. Why would knowing that we are God’s workmanship and focusing on the good works which He has prepared for us be such powerful motivators to oppose to the works of the flesh?
Living in the Spirit cannot be accomplished by sheer willpower. While commitment and discipline are important, we need to plug into the power of the Holy Spirit and have the grace of God to sustain this spiritual life. What is one change you can make today to give more room for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in your life?
Download PDFPlugged In – Living by the Spirit
Every disciple of Jesus has a different perception of the Holy Spirit and His role. This perspective will be influenced by our upbringing and by church denominations we have attended. How we see the Holy Spirit will greatly impact the way we live our Christian lives and our effectiveness for Jesus. While different churches place a greater or lesser emphasis on the Holy Spirit, as part of the triune God, He is a gift given for our benefit. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can grow to become more Christlike and serve our glorious God through the gifts He gives us.
Read Ephesians 5:15-21, 2 Corinthians 3:3-18
- What has been your experience of engaging with the Holy Spirit? Is this different today to what it has been in your past?
- Has God given you a spiritual gift or gifts that you and others recognise in your life? How could you best use this gift?
- Read Ephesians 5:16. What are the opportunities you can see today? How can you be wise in this?
- Read Ephesians 5:17. How do you discern the Lord’s will? Why can this seem difficult? What can we do to better understand His will?
- Read Ephesians 5:18. What is your understanding of being filled with the Spirit? How can we do this continually? What can prevent this? Why do you think this is a controversial topic in some circles?
- Read Ephesians 5:19-21. How can we do this? What might this look like in our engagement with those around us?
- How do you believe we can best grow in the Spirit? Pastor Heather suggested some practical options: Journal – Ask God, what question would you like me to ask you today? Intercede – Ask Him to guide your prayer for someone else (practice!). Ask for a new gift and begin practising it in a safe place. Lay down apathy, find your passion. Hang up timidity, put on ferociousness (courage). Which of these suggestions is the easiest for you to implement? Which could the most difficult for you?
To grow spiritually and continually be filled with the Holy Spirit we need to allow the Him to play a significant part in what we do and how we live our lives. This is not a passive ride, but an active and continual journey that we need to be willing to pursue and engage in if we are serious about being effective for Jesus.
What is one step from the list above that you can apply this week to take a new step in being continually filled with the Holy Spirit and to grow further in your Spiritual walk? Commit to doing this one step for the next seven days.
Plugged In – Empowered
In the New Testament, we read the Day of Pentecost as the moment when the Holy Spirit appears as tongues of fire, enabling the disciples to speak in tongues. Nowadays, there are different views on when the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs in the life of a believer. Some believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit happens after a person has put their trust in Jesus and it is evident through the spiritual gifts. Others hold that the baptism of the Holy Spirit happens at the time of conversion. Pastor Dale explains that regardless of which view we favour, both groups agree that believers should continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit and become witnesses of Jesus.
Read Acts 2:1-11
- Have you ever been in a foreign country and randomly heard strangers speaking in your native language? How did you feel? Why?
- What does it mean to be perpetually filled by the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit enable us to do (read Acts 1:8)? What stops us from doing this?
- Pastor Dale teaches the parallels between what happened in Mount Sinai (Old Covenant – read Exodus 24:17 and 31:18) and on the day of Pentecost (New Covenant – read Jeremiah 31:31-33). Why are these parallels significant and important for us to know? What do these parallels say about God?
- Read Romans 2:12-15. Based on what the Apostle Paul writes, Pastor Dale teaches that conscience is innate – that is, our sense of good and evil, right and wrong, is present regardless of whether or not we believe in Jesus. This being so, what is the difference between believers and non-believers when it comes to obeying God’s law?
- Followers of Jesus believe that the Word of God is the truth, while conscience or heart can often be deceitful. How has this statement been true in your faith journey?
- Jesus always had global redemption in mind. When we are filled with the Spirit, we become witnesses of Jesus for the people around us. Spend some time together with the group to brainstorm how the group can bear witness to the good news together. Plan your next steps!
As we read in Acts 1:8, regardless of what power or gifts we receive from the Holy Spirit, the big deal is that we are called to be His witnesses. Is there anyone in your close circle right now that has not heard about Jesus? Pray together for each member of the group to receive a name, and for everyone to become prompt-able and perpetually filled by the Holy Spirit.