Part One Part Two Part Three
Part One
We often categorise mission as something that is done far away, or overseas, by specially chosen people. With regard to His mandate, Jesus does not differentiate between people – His mandate is for everyone who follows Him. He commissioned us, you and me, to make disciples! There is no specific geography involved in Jesus mandate. It can be done in your family or office, your street or town.
Romans 10:14-15. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. What feelings does the word ‘missions’ evoke in you? Discuss.
2. How would you explain what it looks like to be a missionary or to be on mission to somebody? Does geography or a category of person appear in your explanation? Discuss.
3. What would it take to capture your attention to be on mission in your friendship network? (Matt 28:18-20) Discuss.
4. What would capture your attention as a group to be on mission? Discuss.
5. What are some things that stop you from sharing your faith? Discuss. (1 Pet 3:15)
6. How do we reinterpret God’s missional plan of using us to reach the world? Discuss.
If God is reminding you of your call to be a disciple that multiplies, what is the first step you need to take this week? Share that step as an accountability step with somebody right now and ask them to keep you accountable to do this this week.
Part Two
We develop our relationship with God not just in a private devotional way. We also develop it by meeting with Him on the frontline of His concern and compassion for the vulnerable and at-risk members of our local, national and global communities. For the Christian, service with and on behalf of the poor is not some knee-jerk guilt-laden reaction to the challenge to “make a difference”. Rather, ministry to the poor and marginalised is an invitation from God to share with Him in the action, adventure and intimacy of working together in a cause of ultimate significance: the restoration of humanity and all creation.
Read John 15:1-10. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. How do you practically apply Jesus’ command to “remain in my love”?
2. What needs do you see around you in your local community? What about more broadly in your city, nation and even overseas? What can you do to respond to them?
3. Mission is getting among the mess. Discuss.) Discuss.
4. What areas of your life can you “apprentice” other people in to help them grow and mature in their faith?
5. Review your spiritual practices ruthlessly. What do you personally discover?
6. In what areas of your life are you busy and challenged? Where are you tired or stretched? How can you find the Spirit’s pace within your life?
Take the opportunity to share your testimony of the difference that God is making in your life right now. What opportunities have you had? What battles have you faced? What breakthroughs have you seen? Pray for each other that you would all have the right moment this week to share that testimony with someone who hasn’t found Jesus yet.
Part Three
As we spend time with our heavenly Father and get to know His heart and His love for our world, we cannot help but sense that we have a part to play on this earth to fulfil God’s mission of extending His love and offer of salvation to our broken world. The hands that God has are ours, the feet that God has are ours, He chooses to work both in us and then through us to reach others.
Read Matthew 28:16-20. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. God invites us to partner with Him in His plan of salvation. What is God calling you to do towards that this week? Discuss.
2. How do you identify what your treasure is and what actually fills your heart? (Matthew 6:21)
3. What criteria do you use to decide how much you contribute financially to missions? Discuss.
4. When Jesus declares that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, therefore make disciples as you live, love, work? What does that look like for you? (Matthew 28:18)
5. “Much worse than unanswered prayer is unasked prayer”. “Our greatest disappointment is not that God is silent, rather that we are silent”. Discuss these two phrases.
When Jesus calls us to Himself, He calls us 100%. Are there areas of your life that God has been putting His finger on over these past weeks, that you sense that you need to surrender to Him? Prayerfully engage with God about this.
Watch full sermons – Missions 2016