Part One Part Two Part Three
Part One
Jesus’ invitation was to Himself – to get to know Him and love Him. Until we discover Jesus for ourselves and that our faith journey cannot be reduced to a list of rules or behaviours, we can play a religious game. The reality is that that game is impotent at least and repulsive at worst.
Read John 15:1-8. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. How would you describe a follower of Jesus? With many different personalities and characteristics, what are the similarities?
2. How do you determine spiritual health and how do you grow it?
3. How do we become the “one person” so that our heart and our behaviour are one? No need for a “game face” in different environments.
4. How do you stay connected to Jesus on a daily or moment-by-moment basis?
5. Jesus makes obedience to Him a part of who we are rather than rules to be obeyed. Discuss.
6. What is one way that you impacted or influenced your network this week with the fragrance and presence of Jesus?
7. What or who is filling your heart this week?
Make deliberate time this week to spend in God’s presence. Allow Him to renew, recalibrate and refocus your heart towards Him and His ways.
Part Two
Jesus didn’t see obedience as negative or burdensome. In fact He obeyed out of trust for the Father who He knew was faithful and had a wider vision. He didn’t give in to the devil when tempted because He wanted to please His heavenly Father. Even in the toughest of times He obeyed, knowing that obeying through challenge would ultimately be better than disobeying for comfort.
Read John 14:23-24. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. How do you view obedience? Does it ever have a negative connotation in your mind?
2. If we know and trust God, why do we find it hard sometimes to obey Him? (1 John 2:3-5:1; 1 John 5:2-3)
3. Do you agree with these 3 motives for obedience?
- We have to.
- We need to.
- We want to.
Which motive do you operate out of in life?
4. Is there a link between joy and obedience? (John 15:9-11)
5. Jesus makes obedience to Him a part of who we are rather than a list of rules to obey. Discuss.
Jesus says to us, ‘If you love Me you will obey Me.” This is not a manipulative tactic, it is simply a statement of truth. Are there any areas of your life that you sense Jesus wants to challenge you on this week? How are you going to respond?
Part Three
In the final 24 hours of His life, Jesus brings clarity to the phrase that all religions and beliefs do not lead to God. He felt it important to make sure that it is crystal clear that there is only one way to God, and that is through His son Jesus, but the invitation to believe in Jesus is open to all people.
Read John 14:1-7. To help get a good understanding of the passage, try to describe what is happening or being said in your own words. Take a moment to reflect and note down what stands out as important, significant or meaningful to you. What does this passage tell us about God? What does this passage tell us about people? How does this passage change how we live?
1. Why do people like the idea that there are many ways to God?
2. It is important to realise that sincerity and ‘good living’ are not the criteria Jesus uses for access to heaven. Why is this important? (1 Peter 3:15)
3. Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus shows us exactly what God is like, how does He do this?
4. John 3:16 provides an inclusive invitation to everyone who will believe. Compare this inclusive statement with Jesus other statement from John 14:6 of Jesus being the one and only way to God. Discuss.
5. Jesus gives us the privilege and opportunity to become His children, how does this happen? (John 1:12-13)
6. Believing in God affects how we live, how we think, our values, our morality and relationships. Discuss. (John 13:34-35)
Often people ‘read us’ as we live our lives. Ask God to allow you to love people this week with His love, which is genuine and sincere and real.
Watch full sermons – Famous Last Words