Part 1
We live in a world filled with noise. Even with Covid restrictions and limited social interactions, the noise is still around, perhaps louder than ever. You are not alone if you feel overwhelmed. In the midst of all this, serenity and peace can only be found in Jesus. Zacchaeus believed Jesus could transform his life. Despite his physical limitation, he found a way to “cut through” the crowd by climbing a tree. The Israelites identified Zacchaeus by his job as a tax collector for the Roman Empire, but Jesus saw him for who he was. Being in the presence of Jesus bathed Zacchaeus in His purity. He was made new by taking a first step: climbing a tree.
Read Luke 19:1-10
- After reading Luke 19:1-10, re-tell Zacchaeus’ story in your own words. What stood out to you and why?
- What does this passage teach us about Jesus? What does it teach us about people?
- Pastor Heather points out three different sources of noise from Zacchaeus’ story that hindered him from seeing Jesus: His physical limitation, other people’s opinions and attitudes, and self-doubt. Which of these is your loudest noise at the moment? Identify the biggest noise and share with the group.
- Read Hebrew 11:1. What is your understanding of this verse? Zacchaeus had the desire to listen to and see Jesus. His faith enabled him to persevere through the hindrances. How can you strengthen your faith to persevere through your current reality and challenges? What (metaphorical) tree do you need to climb?
- Zacchaeus desperately wanted to see and listen to Jesus. Have you ever experienced something of significance in your life because you were listening to the Holy Spirit? What was your thought process and how did you know it was the Holy Spirit? Is there an area in your life that you need the Holy Spirit to speak into right now?
- When we live in obedience to God’s prompting, there is a ripple effect that changes the world around us. Obedience will change our own lives, but it also has the power to transform others. What practical first step of obedience can you do that may bring this ripple effect to people around you?
Zacchaeus saw Jesus as his source of hope. As believers we need to have the same attitude towards Jesus. We need to seek Him, go to Him and listen to His voice. Only by doing this will we be able to block out the plethora of noise around us and clearly hear Him. Identify one or two things that you need to shut out so you can hear Jesus. Commit to making this change today.
Part 2
In the time when Ahab was king of Israel he began serving Baal, building a temple for this false god. The prophet Elijah warned Ahab, saying they would not have rain or dew except at his word (1 Kings 17). Elijah’s journey continued to be miraculous. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah won a showdown against the chosen prophet of Baal at Mount Carmel. Elijah seized and killed the false prophets and brought rain upon the land. Even though the Lord was with him and working through him, he was highly troubled by the ‘noise’ of Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, threatening to kill him. He ran away, travelling for forty days and nights before going into a cave in Horeb, the mountain of God. There in the quietness, Elijah was finally able to cut through the noise and make time to hear from God again.
Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
- ALife during a pandemic can be ‘noisy’ and frightening as we can easily become overloaded with information. What are some of the loudest noises and fears you have right now that make you want to run and hide?
- Prior to running away from Jezebel, Elijah had not made a move without hearing from God. What influenced this decision? What role does the voice of God play in your decision making?
- God spoke to Elijah when Elijah was alone with nothing but quietness. Having a quiet time with God refocuses our eyes and hearts to what God is calling us to do. Identify a few other people from the Bible who practice intentional quiet time to be with God. How can you be more intentional in having an alone time with God? How do you usually engage with God?
- What does it mean when Pastor Sam tells us to have the desire for God to speak? Why do we need to have this?
- way. Be sure to include your thought process at that time as well as any changes that resulted.
- At the end of the passage God refocuses Elijah with a fresh vision. How have you been ‘promptable’ and obedient during recent times?
It is essential for us as believers to have time alone with God, so that we can keep our focus on our calling. The truth is that God speaks. There is just so much noise around us that we need to cut through. Like Elijah, listening to God will help us to have fresh eyes. That may be a change of perspective in the way we see our circumstances, or a clearer view of where we are to go. Commit to having at least one intentional quite time alone with God this week where you actively and intentionally cut through the noise and be expectant of what God has for you.