Live Audio
We’re behind the scenes, bringing the glory of God to your ears.
As a front of house audio operator, you will control the sound played in the auditorium, working with the foldback audio operator. During rehearsal time, you will perform line checks, make adjustments to the sound, and ensure all audio playback is working. During the service, you will monitor and adjust the sound, as well as ensure all microphones and playback are at appropriate levels. The front of house operator will perform these tasks together with the front of house assistant and occasionally provide them training. You will be able to experience the worship and message from the FOH audio console in the auditorium. This role requires an operator with a good ear, and the ability to multitask. Due to the increased level of responsibility and technical knowledge required for the front of house operator role, it is reserved for leaders and youth who have had sufficient training and experience as an assistant.
As a foldback audio operator, you will adjust the mix played back to the band’s in-ear monitors to assist them with singing or playing their instruments to their full potential. During the rehearsal time, you will perform line checks and respond to band member’s requests for adjustments to their mix. In general, a minimal amount of work is required from the FB audio operator during the service. You will be able to experience the worship and message from the FB audio console in the auditorium. This role requires an operator with the ability to multitask. Due to the increased level of responsibility and technical knowledge required for the front of house operator role, it is reserved for leaders and youth who have had sufficient training and experience as an assistant.